Dengar sni!!


*Kawan-kawan saya*

Sunday, January 17, 2010


hri ni klas aq mcm yg luar bese ny kne wt speech..intro da la gagap ble time nk speech nih...BI lak 2...klau BM aq ley goreng lg..hahaha..lgpown aq mmg xprepare sgt psal speech nih..rehearsal pown bpe kali je ble da smpai kt dpn,abis ketaq lutut,ape kemana..speech pown tunggang trbalik..haha..nway,nsib bek miss noraini bg 2nd chance..kne redo alek r..hohoho..ntah ape aq nk ckp pasni..hmm..any suggestion??..huhu

tp kn td pagi klas aq best sgt...klas lab verteb..hehe..kitorg bedah katak yg da preserve la..bkn katak yg idop lg..haha..klau idop lg,,ntah2 kitorg yg asyik melompat je..hahaha... la mangsa2 kitorg...haha...siap la ko utk dibedah wahai ktk..

hihi...posing jap sblum dibedah..hee

inilah hsil kerja kami...cun kn??? hahaha..

last but not least,actually hri ni ad pilihanraya..utk pilih mpp xg pown ngundi..hehe...standard weh...haha..lgpown aq nk ready utk speech 2...kne tido yg ckup...hahaha...ntah pape je..kwn aq ckp klau mgundi dpt air nescafe free...haha..rasuah ke?? bkn laa..xde kne mgena pown..hihi...

pape hal pown hri ni aq ad mcm2 prasaan...cthny hepi,stress,sronok,n mcm2 lg r..haa...lg 1 lpe nk ckp,,td mse public, ad sorg nih kne wt perfomance..haha...lwk r perfomance dye..klau dye xwt lawak pown,tgk expressi muke dye pown da ckup lwk r..haha...smpai miss noraini pown ckp dye xley bygkn or pk psal bdk nih...msti nk gelak je memanjang...hhaha...ish3..jhtny gelak kn org..huhu..

k nk cau dlu..huhu...len kli aq cter lg ae..hehe..

~stay cool n stay cute~

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Td pas aq kuar mkn,kre2 kul9 aq g r cafe kusza nk on9..g ngan membe yg spoil ny lp aq xley detect tenet kt kusza 2..ntah pesal ntah...dr dlu lg...bengang aq pkai r broadband..xpe lh...brsyukur apa yg ad..ish3..

pas2 aq tgk yuni on9 lju smacam je..jeles yg pkai bband ni asyik kiok je..asyik sangkut je..rpe2ny aq x disable wlan aq..adoiii...mmg mencabar kesabaran aq btol la...ptut la ble aq ym,kwn aq xreply...n asyik hang je ble nk bkk page laen..adehh..xpe sabo je laa..

skrg ni kt bilik pown kdg2 bband ni sangkut..adehh..nk balik kt tuan dye ble da tgh mlm ni xde la dye wt hal lg...hehe...cyg ko..xde la aq bengang sgt mcm td..huh..

tbe2 aq teringt lak..byk kje yg aq xwt lg ekologi kne submit ahad ni.. pas2 report microbe xsiap lg... public speaking kne cri article utk informative topic introductory speech lg..pas2 hri rabu nnti ad test public laa..kamis ad test for ekologi lg..kenegaraan lg..adoiii...byk btol nih...penin aq nih...rse cm nk dmm je...argghhhh...tolong aq!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Da kawin??

Haha...terkezut ble aq tgk fb kwn lame aq...dye dak skola menengah aq dlu..ble tgk profile pic dye,ad pic dye n 2org bdk kecik..ingt kn 2 ank buah or ank sedara dye...rupa2 ny ank dye!!! waaa...ttbe excited gle aq nk selongkar fb dye...nk thu gak 2 mmg ank dye ke..fuyooo...xbole blah..umo sme mcm aq tp da ade ank dua..kembar comey+tembam siottt...geram tol aq...hahaha..

tp ape2 pown aq doakn the best la kt ske tgk org bhgia nih..hehe..nnti aq pown ley tumpang bhgia..ngeee...ble la aq nk kawin ek...haha...stop!!da jauh menyimpang da nih..hehe..

actually aq xrapat sgt pown ngan dye mse skola ble komen2 kt fb mcm jd rapat ske..kdg2 fb nih ley wt aq sengih sorg2...haha...klau lwk sgt aq ley gelak sorg2..haha...ape laa..xpe2..byk senyum ley mmbuatkn kte awet mude...heee...=D

~stay cool n stay cute~


I'm thinking of you
in my sleepless solitude tonight
if it's wrong to love you
then my heart won't let me be right
cause I'm drowned in you
and I won't pull trough
without you by my side

I'd give my all to have
just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to have
your body next to mine
cause I can't let go on
living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

Baby can you feel me
imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
vividly emblazoned in my mind
and yet you're so far
like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight

I'd give my all to have
just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to have
your body next to mine
cause I can't let go on
living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

I'd give my all to have
just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to have
your body next to mine
cause I can't let go on
living in the memory of your song

I'd give my all for your love tonight
give my all for your love

projek eko xsiap lg!!!!

kul9 td aq g kafe kusza,konon2ny nk wt report eko smpai2 je sne kami trus on9..haha.ape daa..1st on9 r psal insect..abit n afny da wt ckit psal report n yuni da xtau nk wt kami dok mengon9 je ad gak cri psal insect 2 tau...jgn ckp kami xwt pape...huhu..pas diorg balik,aq still kt kafe lg...trus kn mengon9...c khai n ami pown ad..huhu..

tp kn,ad sesuatu yg xsedap dipandang...wt sakit mate aq jer..huhu..klau diorg nk beromantik pown agk2 la..coonsidder la ckit org sekeliling..nsib baik la diorg bkn kwn aq...klau kwn aq,,,ish3...xtau la nk ckp kitorg wt xtau je la..yuni pown meneruskn kerja mendownload dye 2..lju gak tenet mlm2 cmni ble tenet wt sengal jep..haha..

Kitorg dgr lgu taylor swift,kangen band,tgk ajl jap..mcm2 r..ble jam menunjukkn kul12,bru kitorg berkemas2 mau pulang ke bilik..rindu lorr sama bilikku..haha..
skrg kul12.48..tbe2 je hujan turun..lbt lak skjp je..ngee...rumetku ad yg da aq pnye mate lom nk tdo ape lg..dok on9 je la..hehe..

Skrg ni mood aq cm bese..walaupown lonely,aq ditemani ngan lgu2 kt lp aq..skrg aq lyn lgu my all~mariah carey..wt mse ni aq ske sgt lgu 2 wlaupown lgu 2 da aq xkisah klau org nk ckp aq ketinggalan ke ape..yg pasti skrg ni klau aq asyik dgr je lgu nih aq xbosan..huhu..
~stay cool n stay cute~

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hye all...

Ni 1st time aq wt blog..hihi...n ttbe rse nk menulis lak..mcm byk sgt je bnde yg aq nk ckp tp aq xreti nk ckp kt org klau psal masalah the best method mayb ckp kt blog je laa..(ckp?? the best word mayb 2lis)..hehe..
Org slalu tgk aq ketawa or gembira dye xthu ape yg ad dlm hti aq wt xthu je sbb klau dilyn perasaan nnti jd lain lak..xpsal2 brgaduh lak nnti...lg xske mcm 2..xske nk kecoh2..biar je la msalah 2 brlalu mcm 2 je..n aq xnk pamerkn kesedihan aq kt kwn2 aq..klau aq mara pown,skjp je la..xde la smpai lme2..n smpai xbertegur sapa...ish3..insyaallah xde smpai mcm akn cube jage hti n prasaan diorg pown kne la jge hti n prasaan org len..consider la skit..
Apa2 pown,aq sntiasa doakn yg trbaik utk dri aq,family n u all especially my frenz..hehe..~stay cool n stay cute~ *peace*