Dengar sni!!


*Kawan-kawan saya*

Monday, August 9, 2010

BAit-bait LuCifer....grrr

Even if I try to avoid you, I can't find a place to hide
I'm trapped by you, who I can't even deny
If it was love, if you really loved me, don't do this to me
Her whisper is the Lucifer

*If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can't grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I'll fill you only, I'll completely fill you only

Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer
Your undeniable magic is the Lucifer
When I approach you
With your angelic face
Say the reason you live is for me 
Say it

When I first saw you, I stopped for a short time
As if someone was tightly seizing my heart, not letting it go (Still)
You took all, all, all, all, all, all of my heart just like that
You make my heart burn out when you're not here

The love stories I shared with you
You look towards the same places I do
When we feel that we can't get any more perfect
Only stare at me, you want me more, more, more, more, more, more
Only look at me, you're the center of everything, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing

Since before, something has been wrong, you've been weird
The love I knew left my side, one by one
All I have is you

I feel like I've become a clown trapped in a glass castle
I dance for you, who will never be satisfied
You look into me openly, touching my brain
I think I've become a fool
I think I'm only getting more and more attracted to you

Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic

It's not that I hate you or that I dislike you
It's just that kind of stare is a burden is all
I'm not going anywhere
I've waited like this by only looking at you

Your stare captures me
As the days went by, it became sharper
I'm tired of your obsession
I've been cut a lot, my heart is bleeding
When it's about time for me to pass out
She comes to me like an angel, saying "I love you"
Even though I knew it was really you
You really confused me

I feel like I've become a clown trapped in a glass castle
Leave me alone, when I'm free, I'll be able to truly love you
Leave me alone, don't make me sick of you
So I can truly look at you

If you tie me down and trap me
Then love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can't grow anymore
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer

Ni aq amik translation dye nk amik romanization dye skalik...kang xpsal2 aq nyanyi gak... hmmm....hampeh tol laaa...xde lgu len lg ke smpai amik c lucifer nih...seb bek aq stalker psal lgu nih...mule2 nk thu mksud  mende nih,g google translate...pastu dye tulis mksud dye KOREK...kejadahhh...mle2 aq konon2 nk matchkn la lgu 2 ngan korek...nth pape je...bile tgk wiki,,,rpe2 ny....another name 4 SETAN!! bkn korek yg google translate....some ckp dye ni tuhan anti-christ ye...hmmm...agk bce detail psal mende nih kt http:/

then lps da bce balik mksud lgu nih...bru la aq prsan mmg btol la lgu ni utk bnde 2...grrr..knp shinee??? bg la kt group yg aq xlyn...adesssss....da la mv dye cun...menari pown smart jep...mle2 tgk trus ske gle kt lgu nih....arghhhh....skrg feeling aq skrg da tkut ngan lgu nih....bkn ape...tkut trpesong...hahaa...boley x??...

klau x aq da isytiharkn yg aq ni shinee girl ika n ika b2uties...ngeeee....da lahhh...byk esement yg tgh menunggu uutk disiapin...byk bangatttt....grrr...k lahh...
~stay cool n stay cute ya~
*peace* ^.^v

Sunday, August 8, 2010

HellO MiLLo!!!!

Wahhhh....da lme aq xbkk blog...seb bek xbrkulat...hoho...sbnrny byk je bnde yg aq nk mls nk menulis alang2 da bkk blog,,,ape kate tulis sepatah dua kate???...skrg ni bkn stakat spatah dua,berpuluh ribu million kate kowt...erkkk...nk cter mnde dlu ekk...byk sgt nih... xthu nk cter yg mne yg best,,ad yg xbest...mcm2 ahh...finin2...
Ok...kte cter yg best dlu ekk...kre2 seminggu slps aq berada d UMT utk sem yg ke3,,kitorg ad wt orentasi kos utk dak 1st jd bidan trjun sgt best...sume org sporting...mse ni la kte pown act mcm bdk2...hahah...orentasi 2 dr pg smpai mlm...diorg xkasi bdk2 balik cz xnk banana fruits 2 times...hehe...(adk aq yg ckp cmnih..haha..)..yelahh...time kitorg dlu,brape kerat je yg dtg...pas2 dye bg balik ostel,,yg dtg balik kt KK smakin brkurg..hoho...(phm x pe aq ckp?? tbe2 aq rse blurr pulekkk..) After that,,hri jd yuni...kitorg plan sminggu sblum hri jd dye...mcm2 hal...hahaha...last2 day 2 xbole blah r...bikin finin otak thu x?? alhmdulillah brjln ngan lncr jgk la ats bakat lakonan yg ad pd sume org esp wan...mmg chantek r lakonan dye...cuak gler aq mse dye mara aq n yuni dtg lmbt...hahaha...bongekkkk...xmasal je kne baling belon air...hahahah...

Pas2...esement lak dtg naik flight....melayang2 kowt...smpai brtimbun2 nih...xsiap lg 1,,da smpai lg 1 akn hadapiny dgn tenang....hehe...dgn sng hatiny aq wt...cewahhhh...nk jd pelajar trbaikk nih...insyaallah...

Mule2 rse sgt gmbira sbb sem ni klas 4hri je...kamis,jumaat n sbtu officially CUTI!!! sgt borinkkk....rse mcm lme sgt je try pk d sudut yg positif...kte ley gne mse 2 utk wt esement....btol x???!!!! skrg nih time cuti ke xcuti still brpoya2 ngan fb or utube...grrrr....pastu dgn rjinnye mendownload lgu2 bru..xpsal2 bdk2 ni kne virus yep...hahahaa....bkn slh tgk sorg2 je...pastu cik yun tertgk...xkn sy xnk bg tgk...kte kn kne sharing...ape org ckp,,,sharing is caring...n can lead 2 kew??? erkkk....xthu... da bli tiket balikkk!!!!! yeahhhhh!!!! i like it...i luv it...ngekss...nk thu x??? aq balik 2hb 9...awl ke lmbt??? yg sdey nye,,abit balik 3hb sbb tiket 2hb da da xd teman ni aq balik sorg2 jep...spe nk teman aq bkk pose???waaaaa...sungguh sadis ye d c2...time nk g KT 2 ley r follow cik yun...pas2 tinggal la aq keseorgan smpai maghrib n tunggu bus kul 8.30pm....spe nk teman aq bkk pose??? cpt...cpt angkat tgn!!!!..yeahhh itu nmpk my dong woon angkat lovely my dongdong...hahaha...merepek sudahhh kau ni ikan...pagi2 bute imagine yg merepek2...haha...

Next...smalam besday kwn baik aq kt matrik a.k.a rumate aq...wahhh...sgt rindu kt dye...brtahun lama kami tidak bersua...hnya suara yg menghubungkn kami...cewahhh...ayt tak boleh blah...mse dye kol smalam,,mmg xbrhnti ketawa...asyik gelak jew...haha...bole cramp mulut nih wa ckp lu...ckp dlm tepon pown jd lahhh...nnk jmpe mmg kt ganu...dye soh balik dis week cz akk dye konvo kt mlk...nk dgt jmpe apakan daya...akk dye konvo hri ahd....aiseyhhh...apa bole wt...klau konvo hri jumaat or sbtu pown bkn aq ley balik...ngehngehngeh...

Ok next story....hmmm...ape lg ekkk...haaaa...ingt bersalah ke sbb TERsebarkn virus SHINee 2?? waaaa....tetibe rse sgt bersalah wt kwn aq lalai...maaf ye xsengaje...xpe jgn rsau...shinee je aq sbarkn...Beast aq xkn aq nk bolot sorg2...hahaha...boley x??? ok settle...

K...skrg story psal org yg xphm bhs...bkn aq ckp bhs korea or jepun or sanskrit yg melampau ckp bhs ibunda aq je...bhs mlyu pown xkn ko XPHM!!!! grrrrr....sabo2...jgn gigit org...tgh mlm nih...xpasal2 ke tgh2 mlm tepon aq...kejadah...nk tdo pown xsng...aishhhh...nk ckp sgt,,,ckp r sorg2...jgn kcau aq tido...pantang tol....grrrrrr....ok2...thats it..

So,,smpai d sini sje pertemuan kte pd kali ini yep...len kli klau rjin aq taip lg yer...ok lahhh....salam...
~stay cool n stay cute~
*peace bebeyh*